MP3 rendelés
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A dalokból 30 mp-es részleteket tudtok itt meghallgatni,
illetve meg tudjátok vásárolni az egyes dalokat és az egész albumot.
Karma Pema Dorje (Ölvedi Gábor)
Ének, Torokének, Felhang ének, Tapan, Harmónium, Doholla, Frame drums / keretdobok, Tongue drum, Handpan, Earth Gong, Hangtálak, Kaval, Electric pad
Zene: Ölvedi Gábor
Hangmérnök: Görög Attila
Thangka: Chittamani Tara
Festőművész: Jampay Dorje
Fotó: Szabó Márton
Grafikai munka: Ölvediné Rigler Cecília
A lemezen szereplő mantrák tibeti és indiai buddhista hagyományokból származnak.
in MP3
Here you can listen to 30 sec samples from the songs,
and you can buy the whole album or the songs.
Album info
Karma Pema Dorje (Gábor Ölvedi)
Vocal, Throat singing, Overtone singing, Tapan, Harmonium, Doholla, Frame drums, Tongue drum, Handpan, Earth Gong, Singing Bowls
Music: Gábor Ölvedi
Sound engineer: Attila Görög
Cover photo: Márton Szabó
On the album you can hear mantras from Tibetan, Hindu and Japanese Buddhism.
Ordering Album
3 500 HUF
Click the Buy Album Ft3500 (that's 3500 HUF) button at the top of the music player window above, to purchase the album through PayPal payment interface.
After the payment, we will send the album (in mp3 format) and the accompanying booklet of the album (with the texts and short descriptions of the mantras) within a few minutes.
Bank transfer
After filling out the form, we will send you our bank account number by email, where you can transfer the price of the album. Within 24 hours of receiving the transfer, we will send a unique link to the email address provided, from which you can download the album in mp3 format, as well as the album's accompanying booklet, with the text and short descriptions of the mantras.